The TOMA (Tomsk-Maastricht) Double Master Program (DDP) of Maastricht University and Tomsk State University (Russia) have been awarded the Rusprix Award.
Appointment for Niels Philipsen "Special Professor of Shifts in Private and Public Regulation" at Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam
Prof. Marc Willemsen, Dr Gera Nagelhout, Prof. Hein de Vries and Drs. Karin Hummel from the Department of Health Promotion together with a group of international researchers have received a grant of 80.478 euro from the European Commission in order to participate in the EUREST-PLUS project.
The 500th European Research Council (ERC) grant in the Netherlands has been awarded on June 16th to Valentina Mazzucato, Professor of Globalization and Development from Maastricht University.
Dr Abazi presents at the House of Representatives of the Netherlands on Parliamentary Access to Information
PhD candidate's discovery may be a step in the struggle against overweight and obesity (MUMC+ News).
Dr. Carlos Cadena Gaitán, PhD alumnus and affiliated researcher at Maastricht University is one of seven emerging leaders worldwide shortlisted for the ‘Inspired Leadership Award 2016’.
Prof. dr. Martin Paul, president of Maastricht University, has been appointed by the Austrian Minister as member of the National Science Council of Austria and as member of the medical Commission of this council.