Living Lab Assistive Technology Self-Reliance launched

26 July 2022

On 26 July the Living Lab Assistive Technology Self-Reliance (AWH-Z)  has been officially launched. CAPHRI is one of the core partners. AWH-Z is one of 5 Dutch Living Labs Assistive Technology that are supported by ZonMw for a period of 6 years. The aim of these living labs is to intensify cooperation in the field of research into assistive technology in health care.

AWH-Z focuses on research into assistive products that support self-reliance of people with disabilities at home, such as aids for going to the toilet or to support eating and drinking. The researchers involved will make an inventory of bottlenecks experienced by users and professionals, will investigate the (cost) effectiveness of assistive products and the way they are recommended, financed and provided. Knowledge from these studies will be translated into relevant products (training, information, etc.) for education, practice and policy. You can think of a project to investigate the added value of eating robots from the perspective of the client, care provider and costs. Or the development of a decision aid to support clients and (future) healthcare professionals in the selection of the most suitable aid. Also new knowledge about research methods used to determine the (cost) effectiveness of assistive products will be developed. This knowledge will be integrated into education, for example at Maastricht University.

Client organisations Burgerkracht and FGL, Elke(in), Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (‘Lectoraten’ Assistive Technology in Health Care and Community-based Care), Maastricht University, Gilde Training, and the care organisation Sevagram together form the core team of the AWH-Z. Within Maastricht University, the Living Lab Ageing and Long-Term Care Limburg, the Living Lab Sustainable Care Limburg and Maastricht Health Economics and Technology Assessment Centre are involved. In addition, there is close cooperation with a regional network of care organisations and a national network. Zuyd University of Applied Sciences is responsible for the coordination of the AWH-Z, with Loek van der Heide as community manager.

More information (in Dutch)

Ondersteunende technologie
Living Lab Assistive Technology