Discussing the Latest Trends: Second MCR Inspiration Session Hosted by MCR

The Maastricht Center for Robots (MCR) again opened its doors for a Service Robot Inspiration Session. During this session, keynote speakers Prof. dr. Stefanie Paluch, Chair of Service and Technology Marketing at RWTH Aachen University, and Roeland van Oers, Director at Welbo, talked about the latest trends in industry and research. Prof. dr. Paluch presented the findings of her latest studies, investigating service robots as solutions for potentially embarrassing service encounters as well as investigating service robots as the colleagues of the future. Roeland van Oers complemented these academic insights by demonstrating the latest developments in service robot technology as well as by highlighting the most crucial challenges arising during service robot implementations. Thanks to the active engagement of the audience, the session closed with an open and interactive discussion.

The Maastricht Center for Robots seeks to stimulate the adoption and implementation of service robots, thereby having a sustainable impact on customers, patients, employees, organizations and society at large. It aims to do so by bringing together and building a community of various stakeholders from the quadruple helix (industry, government, knowledge institutes and citizens) and synthesizing research, education and impact. 
In case you are inspired to join forces with the Maastricht Center for Robots or if you are interested to learn more, get in touch through LinkedIn or our website.