Chris Arts appointed as professor Translational Biomaterials

CAPHRI welcomes Chris Arts as new professor Translational Biomaterials started December 1st, 2023! In addition to his appointment in Maastricht, prof. dr. Chris Arts, will hold the same position within the Biomedical Engineering department of Eindhoven University of Technology started January 1st 2024.

In his research prof. dr. Arts from within the orthopaedic surgery department is developing biomaterials within three clinical indication areas:

1. Prevention and treatment of infection with a special focus on treatment of antibiotic resistance
2. Treatment of large bone defects using biomaterials and additive manufacturing
3. Treatment of spinal deformities (scoliosis)

Although prof.  dr. Arts works on material technology solutions for patients, there are also fundamental aspects in his research "what is the most optimal way of bone integration of a medical implant and which design parameters have the most influence on this" and how much does calcium phosphate biomaterials contributes to the mechanical stability of the bone during integration, remodeling and resorption of the biomaterial? What biological mechanisms underlie this? And above all, how can we influence these mechanisms?

prof. dr. Arts initiates and consolidates connections between UM, MUMC+ and TU/e ​​and industrial and academic partners by carrying out innovative, multidisciplinary translational research of biomaterials via mechanobiology (from tissue to implant level). He acts as project leader within the current consortium projects NWA-ORC DARTBAC  and Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland Prosperos-II

In addition, he is interested in educating surgeons about the application of biomaterials in clinical practice and he has bundled his insights in practice booklets.

We wish prof. dr. Chris Arts every success in his new position and are curious about the social impact of his translational biomaterials research on the future treatment of bone defects, infection and prevention and spinal deformities.

Chris Arts