YOUNGIS Kick-off networking event in Maastricht
YOUNGIS is a network of young scholars from Dutch Universities, specialising in criminal law. The group is embedded within the Netherlands National Group – Gezelschap voor Internationaal Strafrecht (GIS) of the International Association of Penal Law/Association International de Droit Pénal (AIDP). The AIDP is worldwide the oldest association of specialists in penal law and one of the oldest scientific associations.
The Board of YOUNGIS is made of:
- President: Alice Giannini (Maastricht University)
- Vice-president and Secretary General: Gaetano Ancona (Maastricht University)
- Events coordinator: Roos Klomberg (Utrecht University)
The group aims at pursuing two main lines of activities:
- becoming a hub for young criminal legal scholars in the Netherlands to network, exchange ideas, discuss ongoing or future research, create consortia to propose grant applications;
- organizing symposiums, i.e., international conferences dedicated to young scholars hosted at Dutch universities.
Do you conduct research in the field of criminal justice at a Dutch university or research institute? Do you work in the field of criminal law in the Netherlands? Would you like to take part in our activities? Join us and become a member of YOUNGIS!
Networking event
To celebrate its recent establishment, we are organizing a networking event on Friday 8 November 2024 at Maastricht University. The event will be the occasion to officially launch the network, and its activities, and to find new members.
13.50 Arrival and registration
14.00 Presentation of the network by the members of the board
14.30 Division in small breakout rooms
14.30 Speed research dating
15.30 Wrap-up and Q&A
16.00 Drinks
Registration deadline is 18/10/2024
Relevant links
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