Christopher Brewster (C.A.W.)

Dr. Christopher Brewster is Professor of the Application of Emerging Technologies at Maastricht University, as well as being a Senior Scientist in the Data Science group of TNO. At Maastricht, he is the PI of the H2020 DiTECT (2020-24) project, and the Horizon Europe EU Farmbook project (2022-2029). At TNO, he is currently lead scientist on the Ploutos and Quantifarm projects. He is co-PI on the NWO funded GENIUS AI Lab. He has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Sheffield on the topic of automated ontology learning from texts.


My research interests concern Data Science and Artificial intelligence (in the broad sense) and their application in society. I take a broad systems theory view of the role of technology in society and thus unintended consequences and the ethics around the uses of technology are an important concern. Research areas that My current research interests include:

  • Semantic technologies, including ontologies and knowledge graphs
  • Interoperability architectures, including Data Spaces
  • FAIR Data principles and Fair Digital Objects
  • Digital Twins
  • Knowledge Graph maintenance and evolution
  • Integration of heterogenous data for use in LLMs
  • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and governance of data science and digital technologies.


I am mainly interested in the application of technologies particularly in agriculture food and the the environment. Specific areas include:

  • Agriculture of all types, concerning environmental and social sustainability of agriculture
  • Food system, including logistics, supply chains, and food certification.
  • Biodiversity, and more generally in ecological and environmental monitoring and data management.
  • Applications of AI at landscape scale
  • Digital technologies and One Planet.