Latest blog articles
Years ago, when I still had a tv, one of my guilty pleasures was watching Hell’s Kitchen.
The entire Faculty community helped to find names for our tutorial rooms. Naming them ensures we are better able to find them. It also makes clear it is the Law Faculty making use of our building.
In the last few months all colleagues were able to participate in a poll to name our tutorial rooms. This leads to a choice doing justice to diversity in nationality, field, gender and type of name.
Yesterday festive drinks were held at the occasion of opening the new Faculty Board Room and Alumni Wall. We also call upon everyone to help us name our tutorial rooms.
Last Friday the University celebrated its 43rd birthday. This was a wonderful and festive event for both the University and the Faculty. Four students received a prize for their thesis and Prof. Monica Claes presented Michael Ignatieff with a honorary doctorate.
Books remain important for legal scholars as a means to present their research. On 28 September a new Faculty book series was launched.
At the annual Faculty awayday the new Faculty Innovation Prize was awarded. This brings a new tradition to life.
Many things go well in Dutch legal academia. However, there is a need for legal academics to be more visible to the outside world. They should show why law must have a central place in the big research themes of today.
On 14 March the Faculty Council gave its consent to the new Faculty strategy ‘Creative Community Law@UM.’ The Faculty Board wishes to involve the Faculty community as much as possible also in implementing this strategy.
The University is dependent on innovation from the bottom-up. Recent examples of wonderful initiatives are the Rethinking Justice Hackathon and the Abraham de Pinto client counseling competition.