Latest blog articles
We as legal scholars should not only think about which topics can be better regulated at a higher (European) level, but also about when exactly a lower geographical level is better.
Effective solutions do not have to be taken by consensus, but can also come about by one or more courageous states acting unilaterally.
While fragmentation is a well-known phenomenon in core areas of private law such as the law of contract, property and tort, it is much less studied in other fields.
Making use of the possibilities of present-day jurisdictional arbitrage may offer a viable and less expensive alternative to seasteading.
A new blog on the social sciences and related areas.
Project aimed at analysing the role of law in hip hop music.
The high position of Dutch universities is a small wonder in view of the ever-decreasing public funds available for fundamental research.
HiiL on the law of the future.
Max Planck Encyclopaedia of European Private Law re-affirms that the emergence of European private law is one of the most significant developments in present-day law.