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One of the major achievements from European integration is the principle of mutual recognition. (Dutch only)
On 9 April 2011 a gunman killed 6 people in a shopping mall in the Dutch town of Alphen aan den Rijn. A group of victims now claims damages from the gunman’s parents, claiming that they should have prevented their son from this horrendous act.
How diverse is Dutch science? According to a majority in the Second Chamber, perhaps not quite diverse. Last week, the Chamber adopted a motion that calls upon the government to clarify whether Dutch university staff is made up too much homogeneous.
Albert Camus famously wrote that ‘life is the sum of all your choices.’ Private lawyers could not agree more. At the core of private law lies the idea that individuals are allowed to know better than the State.
Almost fifty percent of all marriages in the western world end in divorce.
Should this symbolic change of French law be applauded?
Prof. Dr. Jan Smits on the David Cameron’s long awaited speech on the future of Europe.
This week, the book based on the conference on pluralism in European private law, organised by Leone Niglia of the University of Exeter, was published by Hart Publishing.
Last week the book based on the 2012 conference was published by Hart Publishing under the title Objectivity in Law and Legal Reasoning.
'Tang Prize' as the Asian equivalent of the Nobel Prize.