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Jiangqiu Ge - M-EPLI PhD researcher from China on the Contract Law Course at Maastricht European Law School.
EuNaCon marks its successful conclusion with a Closing Conference that takes place between 20-22 February 2013 in Maastricht, The Netherlands.
The goal of this workshop is to assess how the better regulation agenda has shaped/can shape European private law, to assess the contribution of different approaches to achieve ‘better regulation’ and to assess opportunities and threats for European private law, in particular in respect with deve
Maastricht Law Student Research Prize 2012 – an essay competition aimed at encouraging high-level research amongst our student body.
A one-day international conference aiming to evaluate EU Law’s evolution from one initially limited to the sphere of public law to its increasing stake in regulating private relationships.
Constanze Semmelmann, lecturer EU law (University of St.Gallen, CH), visiting scholar, Institute for European Private Law (M-EPLI).
The closing conference of the project should be considered a first step to more and more legal systems opening up their legal borders to cross border conveyances, and not necessarily only within the EU.
MEPLI’s one-day roundtable conference on choice in International Sale Law