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During the Easter weekend there was a lack of clarity about what the rules are at the German-Dutch border. What is actually still allowed when it comes to travelling from the Netherlands to Germany and vice versa?
Everyone agrees that we are living in a very special time, to say the least, in a situation that none of us has ever experienced. We are also exposed to news articles and opinions on a daily basis that discuss the way forward and the decisions to be taken.
Amidst the complaints about lack of productivity and switch to online education, I feel almost guilty to say that I also enjoy my new corona-induced working reality. Well, I would not consciously choose to combine work with childcare.
It’s been almost a month since the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way we live and work.
It is a tough time for everyone during this current pandemic, but increasing reports worldwide indicate that marginalised groups, including people with disabilities, are suffering even more due to structural discrimination.
We are beginning to hear some good news in these challenging times. The physical distancing measures seem to be working in many countries, including the Netherlands. And the rate of infection is slowing somewhat, even in disease hotspots such as Italy and Spain.
The coronavirus crisis has given rise to numerous initiatives by governments around the world to combat the pandemic by gathering, sharing, and transferring data, both personal and anonymized.
Today in times of pandemic hospitals face a crisis of scarce resources. In many places this has already led to measures of triage where critical medical care is rationed to those who are most likely to benefit from it.
Slowly but surely we are getting a picture of the many short-term effects COVID-19 is having on the Dutch criminal justice system.
With the appearance of COVID-19, a disease caused by a novel coronavirus, we need to search for magic bullets, because there is currently no known treatment for the cause of the disease and the therapies being used are focused on treating the symptoms.