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The high position of Dutch universities is a small wonder in view of the ever-decreasing public funds available for fundamental research.
HiiL on the law of the future.
‘CISG Conference’ where experts on the international sale of goods came together to review the Vienna Convention in the light of similar structures such as its latest contender, the Common European Sales Law, or the UCC.
Mark Kawakami: "From a rather ignorant American’s perspective, the cost of learning, debating, and trying to apply the continuously changing (or “harmonizing”) European law is so cumbersome that perhaps it is doing more harm than good to the European legal framework".
Max Planck Encyclopaedia of European Private Law re-affirms that the emergence of European private law is one of the most significant developments in present-day law.
Notes from a conference on European contract law organised by the University of Chicago Law School, where European academics and colleagues from Chicago discussed in particular the European Commission’s proposal for a common European sales law.
MEPLI’s one-day roundtable conference on choice in International Sale Law
Succession Regulation - a European Union instrument which primary aim it is to offer a choice of law to accommodate EU Citizens in intra-Union succession cases, whereby Member States are given a set of tools to circumvent the main aspects of its applicationa European Union instrument which p