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Questions surrounding how the EU budget is spent or audited have been, and will always be, of interest to EU citizens.
Suppose that you get injured in an accident. In that case, you are entitled to damages. Damages are money that the injurer (or their insurer) must pay to you to make you ‘whole’. The aim of damages is, basically, to fully compensate you. Sounds easy? Believe me, it’s not!
Not out of possibility, but out of necessity
Can consumers with suspicion of unfair commercial practices linked to the voluntary compensation scheme make the aviation sector more sustainable? Does the EU Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices play a role in this?
Over the last 20 years, access to cheap computational capacity has increasingly led to the harvesting of more and more personal data, without having to worry too much about costs related to data storage and processing activities.
The yearly Ius Commune conference, this year held online on 26 November 2020, traditionally includes a contract law workshop. This year the theme of the workshop was “Contract law in times of corona and other sanitary crises”. Five researchers presented recent work dealing with subthemes.
After 493 days of intensive negotiations, Belgium has a new federal government1 The largest amount released for the new policy is invested in social policy, i.e. 2.3 billion euros out of a total of 3.2 billion euros.
Continued disproportionate impact on daily life in the border region
With the circulation of the Coronavirus, governments are trying to restrict the movement of people.