Akudo McGee (A.K.)

Akudo Kyoshia McGee is a P.h.D. researcher working under her primary supervisor, Prof. Mathieu Segers, Professor of Contemporary European History and European Integration, her second supervisor, Prof. Ferenc Laczó, Assistant Professor of History and with Studio Europa Maastricht and her third (external) supervisor Prof. Haroon Sheikh from The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR).

Her research focuses on rule of law and human rights backsliding in Poland from 2015-2022. She examines the effect that such backsliding has on Poland's civil society and what liberal civil society organisations dealing with themes like LGBT+ rights, reproductive rights, and government influence on Polish courts do to achieve their goals and bring attention to backsliding. She argues that the tasks of guarding the EU's treaties and upholding its norms are outsourced to under-resourced private individuals and civil society organisations, who in turn become a last line of defence for liberal democracy in-country. However, she also argues that civil society is not a guarantor of democratic stability as its interventions are limited and civil society can work in tandem with illiberal governments, not just against them.

Akudo previously studied Identity and Integration (European Studies) at the University of Amsterdam, focusing on refugee integration in challenging economic and social environments. She also holds a B.A. in German Language and Cultural Studies from the University of Pittsburgh.