PhD researcher

Wendy Broers

Since March 2017 she is a PhD Researcher at ICIS

Wendy Broers (1975) holds a Master Degree in Building Technology (TU/E, 2000) with a specialization in sustainable building. Since then, she worked as a sustainable building advisor at different organizations and since 2008 she works as a researcher and lecturer on sustainable built environment at Zuyd University.

She was involved as a researcher and project manager in different research projects on sustainable urban development (IEA Annex 51, EOS LT Transep-DGO, PALET), sustainable energy renovation concepts for existing housing (Interreg Modlar, TIORC) and monitoring systems (TKI TRECO). Since March 2017 she is a PhD Researcher at ICIS. She will conduct her research on the socio-economic impact of the transition to more energy efficient homes.