N. Naina

Naina is a PhD candidate under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Meir Pugatch and Prof. Dr. Josef Drexl. She is working on a project titled "Balancing the Quality of Patents with Effective Enforcement of Invalidity Claims in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Europe" under European IP Institutes Network Innovation Society (EIPIN-Innovation Society) - A Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie Action ITN-EJD .

Naina is a member of the Institute for Globalization and International Regulation (IGIR), Maastricht University. She is also enrolled as a member PhD Researcher at Ius Commune Research School for the program -Intelectual Property. She is also enrolled as a member for the IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Network.

Further details about the project and her profile can be found at eipin-innovationsociety.org

She is involved in teaching the following courses:

- Intellectual Property Law in the Digital Single Market (LAW3018)

- Intellectual Property Rights (IER4033)